ESS Department Vision

We are committed to raising achievement and having high expectations for each student with exceptional needs. Our hope for these students is that they  will develop self-confidence, independence, social connectedness, and self-advocacy skills in order to lead a self-determined, fulfilled life.

ESS Department Purpose

Exceptional Student Services is the umbrella under which students with special needs are served. Students fall into many different special education categories, ranging from emotional disabilities to physical disabilities to speech therapy needs and all stages in between.

Exceptional Student Services includes the following:

  • Special Education

  • Assistive Technology

  • Occupational and Physical Therapy

  • Preschool

  • Psychology

  • Speech Therapy


  • The Exceptional Student Services Department (ESS) Grand Canyon School  provides a full range of services for students who have learning needs that lie outside the usual range of instructional differentiation provided in general education classrooms.
    Do you know a child who you suspect may have a disability or has trouble with any of the following? 

    • Seeing people or objects

    • Hearing voices or other sounds

    • Talking, or is hard to understand when they do talk

    • Moving, especially when crawling, walking, or running

    • Playing or getting along with children or adults

    • Interacting appropriately with others

  • If you answered yes to one or more of these statements, GCUSD  can provide screenings for special services for all qualified children, ages 3 to 21, who reside in our district boundaries, including migrant and homeless students, wards of the state, and private- and home-schooled students, in the following ways:  

    • For school-age children, ages 5-21, who currently attend an GCUSD school, contact the Director, Margaret Lyle, 

    • For children ages 3-5, and whose 5th birthday is after August 31 and are not eligible for kindergarten, contact , , 928-638-2461 extension 302

    • For children younger than 3 years, services are available through the Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) at 928.779.1679 (Northland Rural Therapy Associates).